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学术沙龙(29):研究技巧(Thr craft of research)

发布时间:2010-03-24 作者: 浏览次数:






Supersize in One Dimension, Downsize inThree Dimensions: Effects of Spatial Dimensionality on Size Perceptions andPreferences,Journal of Marketing Research,Vol. XLVI (December 739 2009),739–753

AbstractUnderstanding consumer response to product supersizing and downsizing is important for policy makers, consumer researchers, and marketers. In three laboratory experiments and two field studies, the authors find that changes in size appear smaller when packages and portions change in all three spatial dimensions—height, width, and length—than when they change in only one dimension. Specifically, they show that size estimations follow an inelastic power function of the actual size of the product, especially when all three spatial dimensions change simultaneously. As a result, consumers are more likely to supersize their orders when products change in one dimension and are more likely to downsize their orders when products change in three dimensions.When changing dosage, consumers pour more product into and out of conical containers (e.g., martini cocktail glasses, in which volume changes in three dimensions) than cylindrical containers (e.g., highball glasses, in which volume changes in one dimension). Finally, consumers expect (and marketers offer) steeper quantity discounts when products are supersized in three dimensions than when they are supersized in one dimension, regardless of whether size information is present.


Thr craft of research 》之Warrants

1、Warrants:The basis of our belief and reasoning

2、What does a warrant look like?

3、The quality of warrants

4、Chllenge warrants

参考文献:[美]韦恩.C.布斯\格雷戈里.G.卡洛姆\约瑟夫.M.威廉姆斯,陈美霞 徐毕卿 许甘霖译,《研究是一门艺术》,第106页——129页,新华出版社,2009


研究技巧(Thr craft of research)是betway必威西汉姆联官网新闻与信息传播学院传统的学术沙龙系列之一。公司学术沙龙系列已经历了“传播学前沿文献研读”“高级传播学研究方法”两个主题。在过去的近两年时间里,我们在“传播学前沿文献研读”系列里共同学习传播学英文权威期<Journal of Communication><Human Communication Research><Journal of Advertising Research>,了解传播学以及广告学研究的最新理论与方法,并结合学术沙龙固定成员和非固定成员的研究计划进行研讨;在“高级传播学研究方法”系列活动中,我们深入学习讨论了传播学高级定量研究方法,包括线性回归和logistic回归,多层面模型,结构方程模型。学术沙龙得到了新闻学院院领导和各位资深学者如屠忠俊教授,吴庭俊教授的热情鼓励与支持,并吸引了本院及兄弟院校(系)的青年教师和学子的积极参与。

研究技巧(Thr craft of research)系列将于2009年11月27日(星期六)上午9:00开 始。根据以往的学术活动的经验,本系列将以科学研究的理论建构与研究技巧为学习内容,同时在理论建构的框架下学习与讨论传播学前沿文献,帮助沙龙成员讨论 正在进行的研究计划与设计。这是一个学习的乐园,是提高科学研究水准的乐园。学术沙龙活动将每个双周的星期六上午九点整在东六楼三楼多功能会议室举行(如 遇场地冲突,则移至六楼广告系办公室)。





1.Bryant,J.,&Miron,D.(2004). Theory and research in mass communication. Journal of Communication,54,662-704

2.Wanyne C.Booth,Gregory G.Colomb,Joseph m. The craft of Research

3.Shoemaker,Pamela,James Tankard,Jr., and Dominic Lasoras, How to Build Social Science Theories(Chapter 1,3,5,7,8,9)Volume 59 Issue 3 (September 2009)

4.Adolescents’ Exposure to Sexually Explicit Internet Material and Notions of Women as Sex Objects: Assessing Causality and Underlying Processes (p 407-433)
5.Jochen Peter, Patti M. Valkenburg.Differential Effects of Different Peers: Further Evidence of           the Peer Proximity Thesis in Perceived Peer Influence on College Students’ Smoking (p 434-455)
6.Hye-Jin Paek.Prime Time Commemoration: An Analysis of Television Broadcasts on Israel’s     Memorial Day for the Holocaust and the Heroism (p 456-480)
7.Oren Meyers, Eyal Zandberg, Motti Neiger.The Structure of Knowledge and Dynamics of Scholarly Communication in Agenda Setting Research, 1996–2005 (p 481-513)
8.Zixue Tai.Newspaper Coverage of Cancer Prevention: Multilevel Evidence for Knowledge-Gap Effects (p 514-533)
9.Michael D. Slater, Andrew F. Hayes, Jason B. Reineke, Marilee Long, Erwin P. Bettinghaus.

Testing Models of Media Performance in Wartime: U.K. TV News and the 2003 Invasion of Iraq (p 534-563)
10.Piers Robinson, Peter Goddard, Katy Parry, Craig Murray.”Carrying Online Participation Offline”—Mobilization by Radical Online Groups and Politically Dissimilar Offline Ties (p 564-586)
11.Magdalena Wojcieszak.How Journalists Think While They Write: A Transcultural Model of News Decision Making (p 587-608)
12.Bu Zhong, John E. Newhagen.Viewing Angle Matters—Screen Type Does Not (p 609-634)
13.Steven Bellman, Anika Schweda, Duane Varan.Candidate and Media Agenda Setting in the 2005 Virginia Gubernatorial Election (p 635-652)
14.Scott W. Dunn.Disciplines, Intersections, and the Future of Communication Research (p 603-614)
Susan Herbst


15. Editorial: The Innovation Issue. Journal of Advertising Research, Sep2009, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p253-255

16. The Opportunity for Marketing “Simplification” Journal of Advertising Research, Sep2009, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p260-262

17. Now. Or Never. Journal of Advertising Research, Sep2009, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p263-2654.

A Classic Formula. Journal of Advertising Research, Sep2009, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p266-2705.

This Event is Me! Journal of Advertising Research, Sep2009, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p271-284

18. How Rich-Media Video Technology Boosts Branding Goals. Journal of Advertising Research, Sep2009, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p285-292

19. Winning the Super “Buzz” Bowl. Journal of Advertising Research, Sep2009, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p293-303

20. Research on Advertising in a Recession. Journal of Advertising Research, Sep2009, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p304-327

21. Beauty is in the Eye of the Tech Manager. Journal of Advertising Research, Sep2009, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p328-338

22. Metrics That Matter. Journal of Advertising Research, Sep2009, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p339-359,



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